Unleashing the Power of hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete in Drupal 9

Drupal 9, the latest iteration of the popular content management system, boasts a structured and robust entity management system. In this blog post, we'll explore the hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete hook, a key component of Drupal's entity API. This hook empowers developers to execute custom actions after an entity of a specific type is deleted.

Uncovering hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete

In Drupal 9, entities are the heart and soul of the system, representing various content types, users, and more. The hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete is an entity-specific hook, with ENTITY_TYPE representing the type of entity you wish to target.

This hook is invoked after an entity of the specified type is deleted from the database. It provides developers with a valuable opportunity to perform actions after the entity has been removed but before control returns to the calling code.

How to Make Use of hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete

To harness the potential of the hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete hook within your custom Drupal module, follow these steps:

  1. Craft a Custom Module:

    If you haven't done so already, create a custom module for your Drupal site using tools like Drupal Console or Drush.

  2. Implement the Hook:

    In your custom module's .module file, implement the hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete hook for the entity type of your interest. For instance, to target node entities, create a function like this:

     * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete() for node entities.
    function YOUR_MODULE_node_delete(NodeInterface $node) {
      // Your custom logic here.
      // $node is the deleted entity, and you can manipulate its properties.
  3. Replace YOUR_MODULE with your module's machine name and node with the relevant entity type.
  4. Custom Logic:

    Inside the function, you can access the properties of the entity and execute data manipulation or additional actions. This is the perfect place for tasks like updating related entities, creating audit logs, or even performing cleanup operations.

  5. Cache Clearance:

    Don't forget to clear Drupal's cache after implementing or modifying hooks to ensure that your changes are properly recognized.

In Action: Practical Use Cases for hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete

The hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete hook serves a wide range of use cases, including:

  1. Related Entities: Delete or update related entities that depend on the deleted entity.
  2. Audit Logs: Record information about entity deletions for auditing or analysis purposes.
  3. Cleanup: Remove any associated data, files, or resources when an entity is deleted.
  4. Notifications: Trigger notifications to inform users or administrators about the entity's deletion.


In Drupal 9, the hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete hook allows developers to wield a significant level of control over the entity deletion process. It empowers them to execute custom actions after an entity of a specific type is removed from the database, enabling a broad array of use cases, from managing related entities to auditing and cleanup operations.

By mastering hooks like hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete, you can unlock the full potential of Drupal 9's entity management system. This will enable you to create dynamic, tailored solutions that perfectly align with the unique requirements of your Drupal site.

Further Reading:

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